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hazoura25 : hazoura25
hiiiiiiiiii baby!!!!!!!!!! it's for you ...just for you... i'll be happy,so happy if you like it!!!!!

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Creation: 08/08/2008 09:09
Update: 04/09/2008 09:41
Articles 7
Images 7
Comments 4
Visits of the week 2644
Total visits 1037

aujourd'hui c'est le 13 aout 20008
7yeti kolha ma bin idyk ...ya 7yeti
n7ebeeeeeeeeeeek ya a7la sa5ta fi 7yeti...
Pour la personne la plus belle...pour nawrisa
Hi love u...i love u...i love u..........!
i can't say nothing ,just see what can i do !!!

hazoura25 :: hazoura25

tatouty has no other blog!

United States - tatouty
Position: 1497/56779 members

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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Article: Pour la personne la plus belle...pour nawrisa - 09/08/2008 08:29

Pour la personne la plus belle...pour nawrisa

The best friend is who care without hesitation,who love without limitation and who remeber even without comunication.


do u remember this message??????

i guess so!!!!



bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Article: i can't say nothing ,just see what can i do !!! - 10/08/2008 09:36

i can't say nothing ,just see what can i do !!!

Nawrisa binetna wa3d bech nab9ou m3a b3athne 4ever.

So yedi fi yedek l'a5er la7dha .......

(i miss u ;i really miss u)

ya a7la warda ......

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Article: Hi love u...i love u...i love u..........! - 08/08/2008 09:57

Hi love u...i love u...i love u..........!
HAZOURA  rani nmout 3lik ....................